Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sadza nemunyevhe une dovi

Sadza is a staple food of is a thick porridge made of fine mealie meal and is more like polenta but more is eaten by hands.You mold sadza into a ball and dip into your meat stew or leafy vegetable.Well cooked sadza does not stick on the fingers when eating.Sadza that sticks on fingers is called "mbodza" which means not properly cooked.There are many types of sadza and many ways to cook it.Thee will cover in next blogs.The traditional Zimbabwean kitchen is a round thatched hut which is separate from other rooms.In urban areas its another story ,you find beautiful house with beautiful kitchens.Sadza cooked over the fire tastes better than the one cooked on stove.In rural areas you find an African old lady bending gracefully over the fire cooking.Sadza is served with a meat stew or leafy greens.Today I am cooking sadza and munyevhe with peanut butter.Munyevhe is a weed that grows during rainy has a bitter taste but thats what makes it different.Dovi means peanut butter in shona


  1. That looks yummy! Muriwo une dovi is my favourite! I have a hard time finding the right muriwo as I live in Canada, but kale seems to be the closest to rape that I can get. Great post, thank you.

    1. thanks ruru sori for late reply , i am also have a zimbabwean cookbook coming very soon lam sure you will like that.l know how it is when you are faraway from home there is nothing like a nice home cooked you eat sadza in canada.
